The placenta is an extremely precious organ. It represents the child's roots in the motherland.
It nurtures and guards the baby. Several nutrients have already been found in the placenta and the benefits for the mother during the postpartum are numerous. However, what is the difference between the Raw method and the Chinese method, or the steaming method?
Raw method
The raw method of preparation entails dehydrating and pulverizing the placenta without heating it up. This is the method that makes it possible to produce more capsules, once the heating of the placenta, makes it diminish in size. The raw method promotes less loss of nutrients because the placenta is dried at a low temperature.
This is the method that will provide the mom with a burst of energy, and it is also a great ally in hormone stabilization. However, if the mom suffers from depression, other mental illnesses, or anxiety, the raw method might be too intense. For those mothers, the Chinese method is a better ally in the postpartum.
Chinese method
The Chinese method takes into consideration the Traditional Chinese Medicine principles and the specific needs of the postpartum period. What differentiates this method from the raw method is that the placenta is steamed before being dried. Accordingly to TCM, and much other traditional knowledge, after birth the empty space in the womb becomes a cold place, creating unbalanced yin energy in the body. Steaming the placenta assists the body in balancing it with the yang's warm energy. This method is also known to balance the hormones of the placenta which allows the body to more easily absorb the nutrients.
How to choose?
The raw method is reported to be stronger in the body than the Chinese method. Because there is no other process involved other than dehydrating the placenta. Therefore, women who have a history of depression, anxiety, or other mental illness diseases should give priority to the Chinese method.
The TCM method creates a more soft and balanced experience, warming the mother and not overwhelming her body. This is the preferable method for those women who lost too much blood during birth. The steam process makes the capsules' iron more easily to be absorbed by the system, helping the mother to recover faster.
Are there any contraindications for placenta consumption?
If you have one or more of the following you should NOT choose the RAW method:
Mental illnesses;
Too much blood loss during birth;
Strep B+ during birth;
Meconium (there are controversies about this one, but whenever there is meconium, I recommend the Chinese Method).
For those women, the Chinese Method is safer and more gentle.